Website Hosting Datacenters

For us to supply you with the prime hosting solutions, we need to possess a well–performing foundation to build upon. That’s why, we’ve started relations with some of the top–acclaimed Datacenters globally, spanned over multiple different continents.

In each of these Datacenters we’ve integrated our custom–made website hosting platform along with a custom–made internal network, constructed particularly to match MammothHost’s high expectations and requirements. We’ve got even launched a distinctive server monitoring and notification system to help keep track of all the active hosting servers.

Our Datacenters

As strange as it may be, the web environment is quite identical to the retail world – the closer your sites are towards your site visitors, the better. You won’t just increase/get enchanced connection speed, but you’ll in addition get pleasure from better ranking with both local and worldwide searches.

Because of this, we have chosen several Datacenters to be able to decide on:

the US based data center in Chicago – select it if you’ll aim for people coming from the United States, Canada and Latin America;

the UK based data center in Coventry – go for it if you are going to aim for visitors from the UK, the rest of Europe and Africa;

the FI based data center in Pori – our Finnish data center is a fantastic option if you would like engage customers in Northern and Central Europe or in Russia.

the East Europe based data center in Sofia, Bulgaria – use it if you are going to concentrate on visitors residing in Eastern Europe, in countries like Bulgaria, Serbia, Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Romania, Ukraine, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Armenia, etc.

the AU based data center in Sydney – go for it if you are going to aim for visitors in the Australia, Oceania and Asia.

  • Service Guarantees

  • Get yourself a hosting service which has a 99.9% network uptime guarantee in every one of MammothHost’s hosting Datacenters.
  • Compare Our Prices

  • MammothHost has cheap hosting services on different continents. Review our website hosting packages.
  • Compare our hosting plans
  • Why Us

  • Decide on MammothHost and appreciate top notch connection rates for your websites from any area around the globe thanks to our top data centers.
  • Contact Us

  • Have any questions? Please, tell us – MammothHost is readily available! Phone us at the phone numbers listed below.