Every time you upload information on a web hosting server, you will need a certain amount of space on the hard drive dependent on its overall size. If you operate a script-driven internet site which stores its data in a database, it will need more disk space, the more people use it. For example, in case you have a discussion board, the greater number of opinions people leave, the larger the database will be. Email messages, especially ones which have attachments, also require some disk space in the website hosting account. The HDD space quota that you receive with any website hosting provider is the total amount of info you could have at any given moment, it contains site files, messages plus databases. Similarly, a PC has a hard disk and the software programs installed on it together with any docs or music files that you generate or download require some space, which can't surpass the overall capacity of the hard drive.
Disk Space in Website Hosting
All our website hosting packages were developed with the notion that not sufficient disk space can't be a thing that can obstruct the development of your sites. That's the reason why we've used a technique which is more advanced than the one that most website hosting providers take - instead of making a variety of accounts on a single server and subsequently not having enough hard disk space, we work with a cloud hosting platform in which the storage space is handled by a whole cluster of servers. Thus, we can always install more machines whenever they are necessary and more HDDs, to offer extra disk space for all of the files of our customers. Different clusters handle the emails as well as your databases, which means that not only are you able to increase the size of your sites without worrying about hard drive space, but also all of the servers will function faster and better because every single service does have its storage space and one server does not handle various types of files.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers
If you get a semi-dedicated server package from our firm, you will not have to concern yourself with the disk space that you'll be able to use for the simple reason that the feature is limitless. Unlike various other web hosting companies that advertise a similar service, yet create accounts on a single machine where only so much hard disks can be attached, we take advantage of an innovative cloud platform that uses groups of servers. Your files will be stored on one cluster, your e-mails on a separate one, your databases on a third one and so on. This kind of platform offers 2 noteworthy advantages - first, the hdd storage will never finish since we are able to add more servers to every cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will run much more efficiently because they will be in charge of only one kind of system processes. A semi-dedicated server plan gives you the freedom to improve your web sites as much as you want.
Disk Space in Dedicated Servers
The minimum amount of hard disk storage which you can get when you use our dedicated servers is 500 GB. You will have 2 separate hard disk drives, 250 GB each, and it'll be up to you how you'll allocate this storage. You may have the drives in RAID, so all your content will always be secured as one of the drives will function as a real-time mirror of the second one, or perhaps you'll be able to have them function individually, so as to use the total storage space potential that will be available. The hdd space of our dedicated servers will do for everything - vast Internet stores, data depository portal, individual archive clone, and many more. We'll never restrain your web sites in terms of the storage space they require. Once that they begin growing, we provide you with the opportunity to add additional hard drives to your present server if needed. When you get the server with DirectAdmin or cPanel for the hosting Control Panel, you can make a different account for each hosted domain name and set a certain hdd storage space allowance for it. Using Hepsia all your domain names will be hosted in one place and they'll share the entire server space.