There are a number of ways to contact the hosting company whose services you are using, but the one that you will invariably find regardless of which company you choose is a support ticket system. It’s the least complicated means of correspondence for a variety of reasons. In case no technical support staff representative is free at the moment and they are all occupied, a telephone call may not be replied to, but a ticket will invariably be received. You can also copy/paste extensive bits of info without the need to worry about typos, and in case a given issue requires more time to be solved or a number of replies need to be exchanged, all the information will be in one location, so either party can always see the steps taken by the other one. The negative aspect of using tickets to touch base with your hosting company is that they are typically separate from the hosting platform, so if you need to supply info or to follow instructions, you’ll have to use at least two different systems and this number can grow in case you want to manage a number of domains. Furthermore, many web hosting companies reply to tickets after a couple of hours, or even once in every twenty four hours, and for you as a client, this means wasted time whilst waiting around for a response.
Integrated Ticketing System in Website Hosting
Our website hosting feature an integrated support ticket system, which is an indivisible part of our in-house built Hepsia hosting Control Panel. Unlike other similar tools, Hepsia will permit you to manage everything connected with the web hosting service itself in one and the same location – invoices, website files, e-mails, support tickets, etc., eliminating the need to go through different interfaces. If you have any pre-sales or technical questions or any difficulties, you can submit a ticket with a couple of mouse clicks without having to leave your hosting Control Panel. During the process, you may pick a category and our system will present you with a number of help articles, which will supply you with additional information and which may help you resolve any particular issue before you actually submit a ticket. We guarantee a response time of maximum one hour, even if it’s a weekend or a legal holiday.
Integrated Ticketing System in Semi-dedicated Servers
The Hepsia Control Panel, which is included with all our semi-dedicated servers, was built with one idea in mind – that you should be able to manage everything connected to your semi-dedicated account from a single place and the support tickets are not an exception. Our ticketing system is incorporated into the Hepsia Control Panel, so, if you’ve got an inquiry or chance upon a predicament, you can contact our customer support staff members on the spur of the moment without the need to use some other system. You can browse through your website files or check different account settings whilst opening a new ticket or reading the response to an older one. In case you have a multitude of tickets and you would like to find a particular one, you can make use of the clever search functionality, which is available in the Help section of the Hepsia Control Panel. We guarantee that you will obtain a response in less than an hour irrespective of the nature of your query or problem.