If you’ve ever got any enquiries about the web hosting service in general or if you encounter a problem with your websites, you’ll need to touch base with the hosting company’s client support team. It may not make a difference how swiftly they will respond if you have a question of a generic nature, but a problem such as a bungled script update, for example, may result in your website becoming damaged or unavailable on the web. And the longer you wait for the support team to lend a hand, the longer the website will be inoperational. In case you offer goods or services online, any downtime will influence your website in a bad way and you can lose current or prospective customers. Lots of hosting providers, chiefly resellers, respond to tickets and emails within 24 hours, but in the online age this is way too long, as customers will scarcely ever come back to a site that is not functioning properly for a long interval.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Website Hosting
If you’re using any of our website hosting and you have an inquiry or chance upon a certain complication, you can get in touch with us 24/7/365 by posting a customer support ticket or by sending an email and we guarantee that you’ll obtain a reply in no more than one hour. In case the issue can be sorted out, we’ll do it before we reply, whereas if there is something that you need to do on your end, we will provide you with all the needed information – what settings to check, what workable solutions to try out, etc. Normally, you will get a response within no more than 30 minutes, so waiting around for hours on end or even for more than one day to obtain support is something out of the question. Our 1-hour reply time guarantee applies to any enquiry that you might have – billing, technical or general.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers
Because of the fact that we recognize how essential it is to receive swift help, we promise that you will never need to wait for more than 60 minutes to obtain a reply to any trouble ticket that you post from your semi-dedicated server Control Panel. The fact is, you’ll seldom have to wait around for more than twenty-thirty minutes and this is valid for any inquiry regardless of what its nature is – general, technical or billing. What’s more, our technical and client support team will be at your disposal day and night, which means that even if you open a ticket during national holidays, you’ll always get a lightning-fast reply, which will include the answer to an inquiry, the solution to a problem or the details required to sort out an issue yourself – in case there is something that you need to do on your end. If you use our services, you will never have to spend an entire day hanging around awaiting a reply like you would with plenty of other companies.