Working with our Website Optimization Tools, you’ll be able to build up your website’s reputation right from the Web Control Panel. From the Sitemap Generator you will get a thorough sitemap for your web site within a few minutes. You’re able to publish the sitemap to search engines to ensure that they could index your site in the shortest time. Additionally, by way of the RSS News publishing software, you can easily deploy regularly refreshed content on your site, which is a guarantee for greater rating positions with search engines. The GeoIP re–direction application will enable you to redirect website visitors from a specified region to a specialized language variation of your web site for more precise targeting outcomes.

A Sitemap Generator

A sitemap tool integrated directly into your Web Control Panel

In case you have just recently brought out your web site and need it to get indexed a lot faster from the the major search engines, or if you want to offer your users a rapid method to navigate through all your web pages, you’ll need to employ a sitemap. Sitemap can be described as a set of all the pages on your site that have been linked to. Generally, you will need to turn to 3rd party tools to do the job, but with MammothHost, you can get a Sitemap Generator incorporated right into the Web Control Panel.

The Sitemap Generator MammothHost offers is generally uncomplicated and since it’s entirely suitable for the cloud website hosting platform – your web site is going to be crawled really fast.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Direct site visitors according to their whereabouts

Through the GeoIP re–direction tool that is incorporated into the Domain Name Manager of the MammothHost Web Control Panel, you’re able to direct your visitors depending on their geographic location. For instance, in case you have multiple language variants of your site, you can easily create a specific language version to immediately open for users from the country where that language is used. This way, when a person coming from France loads your web site, she’ll be directly taken to the French release, without the need to change to French by hand. To utilize the GeoIP redirection application , you’ll not need any kind of knowledge or tech skills. Simply select the physical area of your visitors and the link to your website that you want to come up for them by default.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Present the most current news within your web site

What is actually RSS? RSS can be described as a method for publishing and collecting site content. It’s becoming widely used by information websites, individual blogs, newscasts, etc. The posted content is easily collected from a news reader and afterwards made available to the user. Utilizing RSS, customers may obtain updates from a number of websites and review them in one place.

Using the RSS News Syndication application, you can quickly include information feeds from some of the world’s most popular information sites and exhibit them within your web site.

RSS News