True Cloud Platform

We’ve developed our very own highly customizable website hosting platform based on the latest enterprise–grade technologies. With each service (DNSs, e–mails, databases, web apps, etc.) dealt with by an autonomous hosting server, your web site content will operate in the cloud and will also be entirely protected against unexpected network outages and service disruptions.

True Cloud Platform

Data Backups

Lost your web site content? Make use of our data backup solution

When published on the Internet, your site content is normally vulnerable to cyber–thieves assaults. It might be affected even by your own personal involuntary actions. Select us and, there’s nothing to worry about, since we maintain a backup of your web site content, which will be retrieved at any moment. Also, you will be able to make manual back–up copies of your entire web site with a simple click of the mouse through your File Manager, which is incorporated into the Web Control Panel. Our system will successfully restore all website files and will merge them into a ZIP archive, which will be stored in your hosting account.

Data Backups

Web Hosting Control Panel

All the handy web site controls that you may need in a single location

Manage your sites with just a single click with our custom point & click Web Control Panel. It offers a drag & drop File Manager, an all–in–one Domain Name Manager for all your domains (you can edit your WHOIS information and your nameserver settings, lock/unlock and Whois Privacy Protect your domains, set custom DNS records, etc.), a quick Email Manager (you can forward e–mail messages, activate email spam protection, create auto–response messages, configure e–mail filters, have sender address forgery protection, etc.), a Database Manager for handling numerous MySQL and PgSQL databases, a detailed statistics GUI and many advanced tools.

Web Hosting Control Panel

Web Accelerators

A number of software tools to increase your websites’ loading speed

Conveniently integrated in the Web Control Panel you will find a variety of Web Accelerator Programs intended to speed up your dynamic, database–powered web sites. By caching data, these tools reduce the number of times a database is referred to and hence decrease the server load. This will help your websites open faster and will minimize the bounce rates. You’ll be able to pick between a number of website accelerators – Varnish, Node.js and Memcached.

Web Accelerators


A secure and safe web app firewall software

Our company offers an instant method of defending each web application in your web hosting account, no matter if it’s freshly installed or has been transferred from another web hosting vendor. All our website hosting packs offer ModSecurity – a web application firewall, which is activated by default. We’ve configured it to momentarily hamper most hacker attacks. This implies that once you host your website with us, it will be safer than before.


99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A ninety–nine point nine percent uptime is guaranteed

At MammothHost, we offer a ninety–nine point nine percent uptime warranty. This implies that, rain or shine, your site will be up and running and everybody will be able to visit it. All this is possible due to the custom website hosting platform that we’ve developed. It is based on a considerably modified version of SELinux (Security–Enhanced Linux) in order to ensure highest server uptime for all cloud hosting users.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

NVMe Drives

Your web site will be faster with NVMe disks

All new desktop PCs and laptops feature NVMe drives and for a reason. NVMes offer much faster read/write speeds, making everything visibly faster. Precisely the same will be valid for your site suggested that you host it with MammothHost – all the website hosting servers are furnished with NVMe drives and all the web sites hosted with us work faster compared to those hosted on typical HDDs.

And the best of all is that you do not need to adjust, tweak or modify anything at all so as to make it run faster.

NVMe Drives

24x7 Support

Ask us anything at all. We’re here for you 24–7

Waiting for hours to get an answer from the help desk staff is really aggravating, irrespective of how trivial the problem is. This is why, here, at MammothHost, we offer you a sixty–minute response time guarantee, and our tech support team representatives ordinarily respond within just 20 minutes through the ticket system located in the Web Control Panel. They’re available to you 24x7x365.

24x7 Support